Sunday, July 17, 2011

Computer Forensic Framework-PTK

kat sini nak share satu benda.selalu dengar PTK ni untuk orang goment tapi tuk computer forensic pun ada jugak.kat sini saya nak terangkan serba sedikit mengenai ape die PTK

compuer forensic nmerupakan sains digital digunakan untuk analisis,mengenalpasti informasi coding2 atau dll

dalam os backtrack 5 ia terdapat didalam forensic tools kira tak payah lagi nak download sbb die dah ada.
Beside tools and tricks there are numerous training available on Internet.
PTK forensics is a computer forensic framework for the command line tools in the SleuthKit plus much more software modules. This makes it usable and easy to investigate a system.

PTK forensics is more than just a new graphic and highly professional interface based on Ajax and other advanced technologies; it offers numerous features such as analysis, search and management of complex digital investigation cases.

If you are using backtrack 5, than there is no need to download PTK because it is available on backtrack5.


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