Monday, August 3, 2009

Denial Of Services

Denial Of service attack is giving dramatic effects on the service and stability of its victims.

Although this is not something new, the increased accessability of the Internet and the ever decreasing age and sophistication of the average computer hacker, is resulting in an enourmous surge in the type of attack which is specifically and solely intended to deny service to the system or application. In many cases, the exploit code to conduct these attacks are freely available on the Internet, and it can affect the stability of the system only by a few keystrokes and by mere click of the mouse.

These attacks take advantage of the deficiencies in the TCP/IP protocal which is used as the baseline for communications on the Internet, and they are difficult, if not impossible, to trace their source since the packets can be "spoofed" or "forged" as they come from any source on the Internet

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