Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nak bace file dalam tape backup

Task: Use tar command to backup /data and /home directory

Usually /dev/rmt/0 is tape device name.
To create a new tar file you can type:
# tar cvf home-back.tar /home /data /etc/file1

To create a new tape backup use:
# tar cvf /dev/rmt/0 /home /data /etc/file1
Task: Display the contents of a tar file/tape

Pass tvf option to tar command:
# tar tvf home-back.tar
# tar tvf /dev/rmt/0
Task: Restore files from tar file / tape

To extract the tar file to the current directory type:
# tar xvf home-back.tar
# tar xvf /dev/rmt/0

Understanding tar command options:

* x : Extract tar file
* v : Verbose
* f : filename : Use to specify file name / tape device name
* t : List tar file contents

Task: Backup files with cpio command

You can also use cpio command, which copies files into and out of a cpio archive. The cpio archive may span multiple volumes. The -i, -o, and -p options select the action to be performed. For example copy all *.c files to tape device or file called prog.cpio:
# ls *.c | cpio -oVc > /dev/rmt/0
# ls *.c | cpio -oVc > prog.cpio
Task: Restore file using cpio

To copy from tape back to a directory, use the command as follows:
# cpio -icvD < /dev/rmt/0
# cpio -icvum < /dev/rmt/0
Task: View the contents of cpio

Use the command as follows:
# cpio -ict < /dev/rmt/0

Understanding cpio command options:

* i : (copy in) Reads an archive from the standard input and conditionally extracts the files contained in it and places them into the current directory tree.
* c : Reads or writes header information in ASCII character form for portability.
* t : Prints a table of contents of the input.
* o : (copy out) Reads a list of file path names from the standard input and copies those files to the standard output in the form of a cpio archive.
* v : Verbose
* u : Use for an unconditional copy; old files will not replace newer versions.
* m ; Retains previous file modification time.
* d: Create as many directories as needed.

tar tvf /dev/rmt/0

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